Tuesday, January 27, 2015

S E L F I E . R O O M

You know that moment when you've just taken part in a one-woman photo shoot and you look back through the photo stream on your phone only to find an atrocious number of photos consisting of nothing more than your glorious little face. It's that moment that gives you this sick feeling in the pit of your stomach that makes you question what you're doing with your life. Yes, well that happens to me on more of a consistent basis than anyone should admit. The amount of selfies being housed in my phones storage is mortifying and yet here I am, continuing to add to the collection. A couple of days ago, my producer at NovusTV called me to let me know I would be shooting a segment on something called "The Selfie Room"… little did he know he was speaking to the selfie queen herself, and yet I still had my doubts. When I heard about the room I honestly thought it was crazy. How narcissistic could our generation be that a place called The Selfie Room; a room where friends can literally just go and take pictures of themselves, last as a thriving business, but still I went…..
And well….
To say I had an absolute blast would be an understatement. 
I wasn't able to do it with any friends (Other than my producer who is a 37-year-old man who's eye-sight is fading from looking at too many camera screens, so... in so many words… he was less impressed with the room than I was.) But that didn't stop me from taking a concerning number of photos of myself in different little outfits.
Take a little peekaroo below to see my fun little work day.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


I have tendencies to be a bit of a pusher. If I believe in something I will push and push until I can't push it any longer. Natural products are one of the things that I just love to push onto people, so here you go guys, another alive Magazine video about Natural products and why you should always be using them. This video is specifically targeting the new mommies out there, but the products are really great for everyone. I can not stress it enough how important it is for you to know and understand the ingredients in all of the products you are exposing your body to on a daily basis. This video explores a product line that is USDA certified, which is actually a food certification. It's got nothing but the good stuff in it, so take a peek and tell me what you think!

Friday, November 14, 2014


Knowing what I like to wear has always been something I have felt at least moderately comfortable with. (Except a few times where I convinced myself it was acceptable to go out wearing barley anything mid-january, or that a full length leopard print coat was acceptable dinner attire, but we will ignore those times for the purposes of this post) Living in Toronto, my style evolved here and there but for the most part I knew what I liked. Since moving to the west coast I have to admit I am all kinds of confused. No one told me that moving to British Columbia from Toronto would require an entire wardrobe replacement. It's like my personal style is changing without even consulting me first! I am being influenced by Vancouver's earthy laid back culture and I can't figure out whether to put on my heels and fight it to the death or just succumb to the inevitable change. Either way, this city is trying to change me... I'll let you know how this battle turns out. On another note, I had a fun little shoot with a talented little friend of mine, Jenna Berman, and I thought I would post some of the photos! (I bought these jeans from the Topshop clearance rack and literally have not taken them off since.)


Thursday, August 28, 2014


I am constantly on the hunt for different chemical free options when it comes to my products. If a product is lacking the chemical crap, I am usually down to give it a go. I recently had the opportunity to try Pure Earth Minerals Zeolite Deep Detoxifying Mask and Tamanu Rejuvenating Serum and if I'm being honest… I kind of fell in love. Everything inside both of these products is completely natural and derived from the Earth, which, of course, makes me a happy girl! Check out my video below to see more!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Nothing is certain, and nothing is infinite. Things you perceive as an irrefutable aspect of your existence, can be gone in the blink of an eye. I had always heard this to be true, but learned it for myself over the past 3 months. Life definitely threw me a curve ball... the kind that shakes your world upside down and inside out. It truly and honestly kicked my tiny round behind and didn't stop for a lengthy number of months. Since then, everything has changed... new job, new house, new routine. Some parts have been wonderfully exciting, and others have definitely been an adjustment, but It's one of those life lessons that I have to trust will propel me to something greater, simply by how hard it shook me.

Within said changes, came an absolutely amazing job opportunity that I am indubitably thankful for. I became a Natural Beauty Care Expert for Alive Magazine. Alive Magazine is a health and wellness magazine based out of Vancouver, and they focus on natural living. Now, anyone that knows me knows I'm a little crazy for all-natural products. As a Natural Beauty Care Expert for Alive, I get to sample all kinds of fantastic natural products and let you know what I think! Fun right!? Right. Below is the video Alive made about me, so readers and subscribers can get to know a little more about who I am. I will post the product videos so you can all see my thoughts on the products, and go try them out for yourselves!

Monday, May 12, 2014


I could literally go on and on in this post, but honestly I'm not even sure where to begin. I suppose it really only comes down to three things, unbelievable music, unbelievable clothing and complete and utter bliss. Coachella, you proved to be everything I wanted you to be, and more, and I wish so badly you happened more than once a year. (Well, I suppose twice a year if you count both weekends.. but you get what I mean) 

Here are a few tidbits of my euphoric weekend in the desert.

 The first day a wore a high waisted black skirt, with a strapless black bathing suit top, black high top converse and a black brimmed hat. I wore my floral kimono over top just cause, hey, why the hell not?

 The second day I wore a vintage lace dress with brown Steve Madden booties and Ray Ban aviators. I would have loved to have worn my hair down, but I was camping and it just was not in the cards for me that day... basically it looked like I had slept in the grass.
I would actually not recommend wearing anything with even a small heel... to say I ended the day in pain would be an understatement. 

One thing I really loved about the weekend, was it was almost impossible to capture the actual beauty of what was around me. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't do the scenery justice within a photo, but I liked that. You had to be there to experience it, to truly understand it. It's an experience I will never forget.
You did me well Coachella... Until next time.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


I am a lipstick girl though and through. A lot of the time I almost feel under-dressed without it on. The thing about lipstick, though, is it can be pricey, and although I try to force everyone in my life to wear it, there are times when the price-tag holds them back. Since I am a problem solver, I decided to try to eliminate all excuses. I spent some time last night at Shoppers Drug Mart finding the absolute best dupes for three of my favourite M.A.C. shades. These were the three I found, and the best part is, they were truly a third of the cost! 
Here you go ladies, no more excuses. Colour them lips!!! 



               M.A.C. HUE VS. RIMMEL FOXY